
In Mayfield, the taxi fare is $3.50 for the first mile and an additional S.50 for each mile after the first.You plan to give the driver a $3 tip for your 13-mile taxi ride. Write an equation to represent howmuch your taxi ride will cost. Highlight your equation in green. Then, solve the equation.

Answer :

We were told that the taxi fare is $3.50 for the first mile and an additional S.50 for each mile after the first. Assuming that you ride x additional miles after the first, the total cost would be

3.5 + 0.5x

Given that you plan to give the driver a $3 tip for your 13-mile taxi ride, the equation representing the cost of the ride, c would be

Remember the cost of the first mile is $3.5. Since the total number of miles is 13, the number of dditional miles would be 13 - 1 = 12 miles. The equation would be

c = 3.5*1 + 0.5 * 12 + 3

= 3.5 + 6 + 3

= $12.5

The cost of the ride would be $12.5