A smoothie recipe calls for 3 cups of milk, 2 frozen bananas and 1 tablespoon of chocolate syrup

In order to create a diagram that represents the quantities of each ingredient adde, could be:
CM = X X X
FB = X X
CS = x
Where CM is Cups of Milk, FB is Frozen Bananas and CS is Chocolate Syrup. There, x representent the ammount of each ingredient.
Now, we determine the proportions of the ingredients:
There are 3 cups of milk per two frozen bananas (3:2)
There are 2 frozen banas per tablespoon of chocolate syrup (2:1).
There are 3 cups of milk per tablespoon of chocolate syrup (3:1).
Now, in order to write 3 sentences that contain the ratio of the ingredients we could think of it as a recipe:
*"In order to get this smoothie we will need 3 cups of milk and a tablespoon of chocolate syrup."
*"We will also add 2 frozen bananas for each tablespoon of chocolate syrup."
*"Remember that that is the ammount of ingredients per serving, so if you want more servings you will also need another extra 3 cups of milk, 2 frozen bananas and 1 tablespoon of chocolate syrup for each extra serving."