Answer :
You apply the following transformation to the point (12,0):
A. vertical translation down 3: It means that 3 is subtracted to y coordiante of the point:
T(12 , 0) => (12 ,0-3) = (12,-3)
B. horizontal translation right 5: It means the x coordinate of the previous point is increased by 5:
T(12,-3) = > (12 + 5, -3) = (17,-3)
C. vertical strech by 3: It means that the y coodinate of the previous point is multiplied by 3.
T(17,-3) => (17,-3x3) = (17, -9)
D. relfection over the y-axis: it means the x coodinate of the previous point changes to its opposite:
T(17,-9) => (-17,-9)