
Answer :

Because they worry about appearing less manly, males say they are less likely to employ flexible work schedules.

Men may experience harsh social, professional, and familial judgments if they participate fully in gender equality initiatives, support them in handling their personal and family responsibilities, or become full-time fathers at some point in their careers out of fear of being perceived as less manly.

While it appears to be beneficial for both men and women to have flexible work schedules, the main obstacle standing in the way of males having flexibility is a patriarchal workplace culture that reflects societal notions of what it means to be a "man."

For instance, social stigma and the expectation that men act masculinely often impede the adoption of paternity leave.

Even if a company, for example, has gender-neutral rules, it is common for the cultural challenges associated with their application to go unnoticed and to receive little attention from the public or constructive discussion.

Our notion of "manly behavior" excludes taking time off to care for children or a family member. When women take time off for family, fewer people object than they would if a man did the same.

Hence, men claim that they are less likely to utilize flexible work schedules due to a fear of appearing less manly.

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