
Answer :

Push the operand onto the stack is used by the algorithm to evaluate a postfix expression, when an operand is encountered.

What is Stack?

A stack is a sequence of data elements (of the same type) arranged one after another conceptually.

  • An element can be added to the top of the stack only. (“PUSH”)
  • An element can be removed from the top of the stack only. (“POP”)

Applications of Stacks:

Operating systems

  • keeping track of method calls in a running program


  • conversion of arithmetic expressions to machine code

Basic Stack Operations:

  • Constructor – create an empty stack
  • isEmpty – is the stack empty?
  • push – push an element on to the top of the stack (if the stack is not full)
  • pop – remove the top element from the stack (if the stack is not empty)

To know more about Stack, visit: https://brainly.com/question/9978861