
Answer :

Valence is best defined as the value that expected outcomes hold for the person contemplating them. The perceived likelihood that performance will be followed by a particular outcome is referred to as: instrumentality.

Valence, or hedonic tone, is the affective satisfaction relating to the intrinsic splendor/"excellent" -ness (superb valence) or averseness/"terrible" -ness (negative valence) of an event, item, or scenario. The time period also characterizes and categorizes precise feelings. As an example, emotions popularly called "negative", such as anger and worry, have bad valence. Pleasure has a wonderful valence. Definitely valenced feelings are evoked through positively valenced activities, objects, or situations. The term is likewise used to explain the hedonic tone of feelings, affect, certain behaviors (as instance, technique and avoidance), purpose attainment or nonattainment, and conformity with or violation of norms. Ambivalence can be considered as a conflict among high-quality and bad valence providers.

Learn more about Valence here
