
Answer :

the glossopharyngeal nerve is the cranial nerves, involved in gustation, transmits special sensory impulses from the posterior tongue as well as general sensory impulses from the middle ear

the glossopharyngeal nerve (cranial nerve IX), which supplies fibres to the tongue's posterior third; and the vagus nerve (cranial nerve X), which supplies fibres to the epiglottis region. Taste fibres are classified as special visceral afferents (SVA). The glossopharyngeal nerve is one of the nine cranial nerves (CN IX). It sends motor, parasympathetic, and sensory signals to your mouth and throat. Among its many functions, the nerve helps raise a portion of your throat, allowing you to swallow. Glossopharyngeal nerve lesions cause difficulty swallowing, loss of taste over the posterior one-third of the tongue and palate, and loss of sensation over the posterior one-third of the tongue and palate.

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