
Answer :

Christianity had a major influence on east african cultures after being brought there by foreign traders.

How did Christianity affect East Africa?

In Africa, Christianity acted as a powerful force for change. It upset the equilibrium, giving some people new opportunities while diminishing the authority of others. Christian missions brought hope, literacy, and education to the underprivileged.

Who brought Christianity to East Africa?

The Ethiopian Orthodox Church was founded by the Axumite monarch Ezana, who is often credited with learning about Coptic Christianity from the Syrian court official Frumentius. King Lalibela wanted to create a new Jerusalem between the late 12th and early 13th centuries.

How did Christianity affect the African culture?

The religion also contributed to apartheid’s implementation (which it defended theologically), hindered women’s leadership roles, and caused the extinction of African traditions that it saw as immoral and heathen.

To know more about East Africa:
