
Which of the following best explains why more energy is required for the process occurring at 110 K than for the process occurring at 90 K? A. Intermolecular attractions are completely overcome during vaporization B. Intermolecular attractions in the solid phase are weaker than in the liquid phaseC. Electron clouds of methane molecules are less polarizable at lower temperaturesD. Vaporization involves larger increase in temperature

Answer :

Vaporization totally overcomes intermolecular attractions. Water has an enthalpy of vaporization (energy required to boil) of 40.7 kJ/mol.

A is the ideal answer.

Which of the following best explains why CaF2 dissolves in water with a positive value for H?

Which of the following best exemplifies how the positive value of H° for CaF2 dissolving in water is explained? In the crystal lattice, Ca2+ ions and F- ions have very potent ion-ion interactions.

Which of the following best justifies the claim and accurately determines whether Cl or Ar has the higher first-ionization energy?

Due of its greater effective nuclear charge, Ar. The atomic radius and initial ionization energy of several elements are displayed in the table above.

To know more about first-ionization energy visit:-
