
Using complete sentences, identify and describe at least two unique types of structures used in the tropical monsoon regions of Asia. Why are these types of structures used, and how do they benefit the people in the region?

Answer :

The majority of structures are open-air ones; they are big, open spaces that dry off rapidly after being wet. Another type of monsoon-resistant architecture that can be observed in the villages close to Tonle Sap Lake is floating buildings.

What are the benefits of these kinds of buildings for the local population, and why are they used?

The monsoons in South and Southeast Asia have the ability to produce excessive precipitation, which can cause severe floods. Residents in these locations need to learn coping techniques in order to deal with extreme flooding. They have done this by raising all of the homes, businesses, schools, and other structures in the area, among other things. As a result, the region's strong floodwaters can pass by without wiping away towns. Buildings are large, open areas that rapidly re-dry after being submerged in water. They often consist of outdoor constructions.

Floating structures are another example of monsoon-resistant architecture that can be seen in the villages close to Tonle Sap Lake. The structures may rise or float on the water as needed. Since both of these kinds of structures have been deployed, people have been able to go about their daily lives without having to worry too much about the rising water levels. Making flood plans and restoring homes every year don't need a lot of effort from people.

Learn more about floating buildings: https://brainly.com/question/902458