
Answer :

To decrease the gamble of toxoplasmosis from the climate: Try not to hydrate. Wear gloves while cultivating and during any contact with soil or sand since it very well may be tainted with feline defecation that contain Toxoplasma.

Toxoplasmosis (tok-so-plaz-MOE-sister) is a disease with a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii. Individuals frequently get the contamination from eating half-cooked meat. You can likewise get it from contact with feline defecation. The parasite can pass to a child during pregnancy.

A great many people contaminated with the parasite don't have side effects. Certain individuals get influenza like side effects. Serious sickness most frequently influences babies and individuals with debilitated insusceptible frameworks. Toxoplasmosis during pregnancy might cause premature delivery and birth surrenders.

Most diseases don't require treatment. Drug treatment is utilized for individuals with more-serious cases, pregnant individuals, babies and individuals with debilitated invulnerable frameworks. A few moves toward forestall toxoplasmosis can bring down the gamble of disease.

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