
which of the following parameters is the most important in controlling cardiac output in healthy people?The factors affecting venous return are normally the most important in controlling cardiac output in healthy people.

Answer :

The normal ranges of these indexed blood flow measurements for SI and CI are 35-65 mL/beat/m2 and 2.5-4 L/(min m2, respectively. Principal Influences on Cardiac Output: Cardiac output is influenced by the two variables that can change: heart rate and stroke volume.

The amount of blood pumped by the heart's two ventricles per unit of time is known as the volumetric flow rate of the heart's pumping output, or Cardiac Output (CO), sometimes referred to as heart output and frequently denoted by the symbols "Q" or "d Q," or "d Q" C. (usually measured per minute). Cardiac output (CO) is multiplied by the sum of the heart rate (HR), or the number of beats per minute. How successfully the heart can provide for the body's needs depends in large part on cardiac output. The continuous delivery of oxygen to the tissues requires the extended transfer of oxygen to body tissues by systemic circulation of oxygenated blood from the left ventricle of the heart via the aorta and arteries at an acceptable pressure. Oxygen delivery (DO2 mL/min) is calculated as the cardiac output CO times the blood oxygen content of the blood. The formula for calculating oxygen delivery is as follows: cardiac output minus arterial oxygen content.

Learn more about Cardiac Output here
