
Rank the circuits illustrated according to the brightness of the identical bulbs, from brightest to dimmest. (A-attached to battery on the left, B-attached to battery on top, C-attached to battery on the right)

Answer :

Rank the circuits illustrated according to the brightness of the identical bulbs, from brightest to dimmest -A=B=C.

In electronics, a circuit is a complete circular path through which current flows. A simple circuit consists of a source, conductors, and a load. The term circuit can be used broadly to refer to any fixed path through which power, data, or signals can pass.

The circuit is a closed circuit with current flowing through it. In a closed circuit, current flows uninterrupted from the source through a conductor or wire to the load and back to ground or the source.

A schematic is a simplified representation of the components of an electrical circuit, using pictures or standard symbols of individual parts. It shows the relative position of all elements and their connection to each other. Often used to visually represent circuits to electricians.

Learn more about circuit https://brainly.com/question/2969220