Answer :
Thymus is lymphatic structure is impossible to palpate
Small clusters of lymphoid tissue known as lymph nodules can be found under moist epithelial membranes in the respiratory, urinary, and digestive systems. Unlike other lymphatic organs like the spleen, tonsils, and lymph node, the thymus does not have lymph nodules. Thymocytes, which are tiny lymphocytes, are clustered together in the cortex, and epithelial reticular cells in the medulla might resemble nodules.It is active up until puberty, after which it begins to wither away, leaving just fatty tissue behind when an adult. The thymus plays no significant function after puberty, and its removal has no negative repercussions or adverse impacts on the immune system. The thymus is unique in that, in contrast to most organs, it grows the fastest in young children. The thymus gradually shrinks and is replaced by fat after you reach puberty. The thymus is essentially just fatty tissue at the age of 75. In the chest, between the lungs, is the thymus gland. It produces T lymphocytes, which are white blood cells that are a component of the immune system and aid in battling illness.
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