Answer :
Metals : A collection of materials with high electrical and thermal conductivity and malleability is referred to as a metal. Three-quarters of the elements on the periodic table are metals.
Metalloids: The term "metalloids" refers to compounds whose properties fall somewhere between those of metals and nonmetals. Many of these substances are also known to be semiconductors, which indicates that they may conduct electricity under specific conditions. They are also frequently referred to as semimetals because, despite having some characteristics of metals, they do not meet the criteria for classification as metals.
Non metals: A nonmetal is a material that is recognized for having limited electrical and heat conductivity, as well as being brittle rather than particularly malleable. Compared to metals, they make up a far smaller percentage of the periodic table's elements, yet nonmetals are more prevalent than metalloids.
To know more about metals, metalloids and non metals, check out