
Over the last eight months, as school and at home, Chris has been running around when he is supposed to be sitting, not paying attention to what he is told to do, getting easily distracted during task, and regularly losing focus when he is trying to read. Chris may well be experiencing...
attention-deficit/hyperactive disorder

Answer :

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder may be something Chris is dealing with.

ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental diseases in children. It frequently persists into adulthood and is usually diagnosed in infancy. Children with ADHD may have difficulty focusing, managing impulsive behaviors (acting without considering the consequences), or being overly active.

ADHD cannot be diagnosed using a single test. When symptoms impair a person's ability to function and they exhibit some or all of the symptoms on a regular basis for more than six months in multiple settings, experts diagnose ADHD.

To know more about Attention-deficit/hyperactivity, click here.
