
Answer :

A space whose constituents are all single point sets is said to be completely isolated. Related to this property, the space X is such that the two distinct open sets of  x and y are disjoint. In some cases, they are said to be completely isolated. We use U and x and V and y, X is the becomes a join. Of course, all perfectly isolated spaces are completely isolated, but not vice versa. For example, take two copies of the rational number Q and identify them at all points except zero. The resulting quotient topology space is completely separated and subset. In fact, it is not Hausdorff, and strictly speaking, the condition of complete separation is stronger than the condition of being Hausdorff.

In topology and related mathematics, a connected space is a topological space that cannot be represented as the union of two or more disjoint, non-empty, open subsets. Connectivity is one of the most important topological properties used to distinguish topological spaces.

A subset of a topological space X is a connected space when viewed as a subspace of X.

Some related but stronger conditions are path connections, single connections, and n connections. Another related term is locally attached. It does not imply or derive connectivity.

At a given point x in the topological space X, X is an arbitrary collection of connected subsets each containing x is the union of The connected component of a point x in X is the uniquely largest connected subset of X containing  is the union (the subset of X associated with containing x . The maximally connected subset of the non-empty topological space (containing) are called connected components of the space. The components of any topological space X form a partition of X. , is not empty, and their union is the entire space: each component is a closed subset of the original space. If that number is finite, each component is also an open subset. However, that may not be the case if the number of them is infinite. For example, the connected component of the set of rational numbers is an open singleton.

Let Гₓ be the topological space X and Г'ₓ be the intersection of all Clepen sets containing x (called subcomponents of x).

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