
an object is acted on by a single nonzero force of magnitude f. (a) is it possible for the object to have zero acceleration a? (b) is it possible for the object to have zero angular accelera- tion a? (c) is it possible for the object to be in mechanical equilibrium?

Answer :

An object is acted on by a single non zero force of magnitude f will have zero acceleration , angular acceleration and also in mechanical equilibrium.

  1. The force adds velocity per unit of time in the force's direction, accelerating the object in proportion to its inertial mass. The acceleration that results depends on the object's mass: the less massive the object, the greater the acceleration; the more massive the object, the less the acceleration. One kilogram of mass is affected by a force of one newton, which on Earth results in an acceleration of 9.8 meters per second. However, if the object weighs twice as much (2 kg), a force of 1 Newton only generates 4.9 m/s2, or half as much acceleration.
  2. The initial motion of the object is altered by this force in accordance with the force. When this force is applied for the first time to an object that was at rest, the object accelerates in the force's direction.
  3. When a force is applied to an object that is already moving at some speed in a particular direction (and there is no other force at that time), depending on how the force's direction compares to the direction of motion already being carried out, the object's velocity will either increase or decrease.

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