Answer :
The program starts by printing the prompt message, then reads the input string from the user using the read system call.
How to write assembly program?
Here is an example of an assembly language program that reads a string and prints it in uppercase:
.section .data
.ascii "Please enter your string: "
.section .text
.globl _start
; print the prompt
movl $4, %eax ; system call number for write
movl $1, %ebx ; file descriptor for stdout
movl $prompt, %ecx ; address of the prompt
movl $17, %edx ; length of the prompt
int $0x80 ; invoke the system call
; read the input string
movl $3, %eax ; system call number for read
movl $0, %ebx ; file descriptor for stdin
movl $input, %ecx ; address of the input buffer
movl $128, %edx ; maximum length of the input string
int $0x80 ; invoke the system call
; check the input string and convert to uppercase
movl $input, %esi ; point to the input string
movl $output, %edi ; point to the output buffer
lodsb ; load the next character from the input string
cmpb $0, %al ; check for the end of the string
je done ; if end of string, jump to "done"