
polymorphism and objects: explain an array of polymorphic objects in a single/double dimensional array. how do you access this? how do you process this? when would you use this? also, when the new topic/chapter is posted regarding file/io: write a few lines of code that allows you to save/retrieve this data from a file using the appropriate class/methods. do this in two ways: streamfile i/o and url access. you can also illustrate this in your code via text (.txt) and binary (.dat) data access. also, write a few more additional lines of code illustrating streamfile i/o access for .txt and .bin files.

Answer :

A characteristic of object-oriented programming languages called polymorphism enables a particular function to use variables of various types at various points.

Sometimes you'd like to put a lot of the same sort of objects in an array and use the same method on each of them. A program's ability to redefine methods for derived classes is made possible via polymorphism. One of the fundamental elements of any object-oriented programming language is polymorphism.

Polymorphism is supported by a number of languages, including Ruby, Java, C++, and Python. With the ability to redefine methods for derived classes, polymorphic code enables a program to process objects differently based on their data type or class. Here are a few of the most typical computer science instances of polymorphism.

Know more about polymorphism here:
