
the star chamber was a court that dealt with noble threats to royal power in england. of chivalry dominated by the great nobles of england. that was the english equivalent of the spanish inquisition. that dealt with the finances of the english government

Answer :

The star chamber was a court that dealt with noble threats to royal power in england.

About Star Chamber

From the late 15th century to the middle of the 17th century (about 1641), an English court known as the Star Chamber, or Camera Stellata, presided over civil and criminal cases in the royal Palace of Westminster. The Star Chamber was made up of privy councillors and common-law judges. It was first created to ensure the impartial application of laws against politically and socially strong individuals who would be reluctant to get a conviction for their crimes in regular courts. However, because of the arbitrary use as well as abuse of the authority it possessed, it came to be associated with social & political tyranny.

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