Answer :
1. The Middle East is divided into four major ethnic groups. Arabs are the most numerous, constituting 75% of the regional population. Their forefathers were tribal members from the Arabian Peninsula.
Persians are primarily found in Iran; their ancestors originated in Central Asia. Kurds live in a rural, mountainous region near the borders of Iraq and Turkey. They are mostly farmers or herders. Turks and Persians both have Central Asian ancestors. This is a Turkish group.
2. People in the Middle East's rural areas live very different lives than those in the cities. These communities are more traditional in nature because the region was founded on rural communities.
With cities now housing 60% of the region's population, the Middle East is shifting toward a more urban lifestyle.
People in rural areas typically make their living as farmers and herders. City dwellers value the manufacturing and service industries. Many people in rural areas live with extended families; however, as more people move to cities, these extended families are disintegrating.
As a result, smaller families are becoming more prevalent in cities. Rural residents prefer more traditional attire, whereas city dwellers prefer Western-style attire. City dwellers have greater access to advanced technology and communication.
3. The Middle East is a transcontinental region primarily located in western Asia. It is home to a diverse range of ethnic groups, the most populous of which are Arabs, who account for more than 60% of the Middle Eastern population.
Other significant groups include Persians (who account for more than half of Iran's population), Turks (Turkish people), and Kurds. Kurds are indigenous to the Kurdistan mountains and can be found in Iraq, Syria, Iran, and Turkey.
Pakistanis, Egyptians, Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Assyrians, Georgians, and Jews are among the smaller ethnic groups in the Middle East.
4. Unequal access to natural resources has led to conflict between countries in the Middle East.
Water and oil, the region's two most important resources, have caused such conflicts. Oil is the most abundant resource in the Middle East, and the economies of many countries rely on it. However, oil is not distributed equally among all countries. There is a significant difference in living standards between countries that have oil and those that do not. Controlling oil access is frequently critical in determining a country's wealth.
Because of its scarcity, water is a valuable resource in the Middle East. The region is mostly dry, with few renewable freshwater sources. Many countries rely on water from outside sources, such as rivers and seas. Conflicts have erupted when countries are perceived to be using more than their fair share of water resources, such as by damming a river.
5. Climate change actions endanger the stability of the Middle East region.
Every country in the region is threatened by climate change. Aid organizations have warned that rising temperatures and record-low rainfall are causing more than 12 million people in Iraq and Syria to lose access to water, food, and electricity. Desertification is sweeping through Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and Iran. Because of a lack of groundwater, Jordan's water prices have risen by 30% in the last decade.
The wealthier nations of the Middle East are also at risk. Outside of the region's fragile countries, the UAE has the highest per capita water consumption in the world, but it faces depletion of its freshwater resources in the next 50 years due to population growth and increased domestic water use.
6. Family values in the Middle East include all of the following, with the exception that adults do not argue with children.
7. The cities of Jerusalem and Mecca are the two most important religious sites in the Middle East.
Jerusalem, in Israel, is regarded as one of the holiest cities in the world. The city is notable for being sacred to three major world religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The city has ancient historical and political roots for Jews, Christians value it for its role in Jesus' life, and Muslims believe Muhammad rose to heaven there.
Mecca, in Saudi Arabia, is a holy site for Muslims, and only Muslims are allowed to enter. Mecca is thought to be Muhammad's birthplace. All Muslims are required to make a pilgrimage there at least once in their lives if they are able.
8. Islam is the dominant religion in the Middle East, influencing all aspects of culture such as diet, clothing, religion, and so on.
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