
Answer :

A strategy is a trick, a specific tactic in response to competition. According to Barney (2002), strategy is a model of resource allocation that enables the company to maintain or improve its performance.

A good strategy neutralizes threats, exploits opportunities, exploits strengths and improves weaknesses. The aforementioned strategic response gives the company the opportunity to move forward stably and vigorously. So it's more than just survival, this strategy also helps the company grow. It seeks to mitigate threats and seize opportunities.

Repetition is one of the most popular methods. When we look at your prompt, we see three steps: (a) reading data, (b) writing data, and (c) telling data. These three steps help you experience the information in more ways than the one way you just read the information. These three steps give you reading, mechanical typing, and then hearing/listening (because you can hear yourself read). In addition to repetition, what you are trying to remember is best remembered by varying your experiences with the material.

Learn about repitition:
