Answer :
Conference committees, where joint panels were formed to develop a compromise bill, are transitory while joint committees coordinate the operations of each house.
A conference committee is a temporary committee that is formed to reconcile differences between the versions of a bill passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate. Conference committees are composed of members from both houses, and they are tasked with negotiating a final version of the bill that can be passed by both houses and signed into law.
A joint committee is made up of members from both houses of a bicameral legislature, like the United States Congress. These are formed to address specific issues or conduct oversight on particular topics. For example, the Joint Committee on Taxation is a standing joint committee in the United States Congress responsible for providing impartial analysis of the impact of proposed tax legislation. These may be permanent or temporary, and they may have the power to hold hearings, subpoena witnesses, and report their findings to the full Congress.
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