
C. Your teacher has asked you to write about things that are making you nervous. You can pick things, people, and/or places and tell why they are affecting you in a negative way. For example, you might write about how exams at school are making you nervous: Me están poniendo nervioso(a) mis exámenes de historia. Tenemos un examen cada dos días. Give five examples.

Your writing will be graded on:
• the amount of information you give.
• the variety of vocabulary and expressions you use.
• your comprehensibility and organization.

Answer :



Me ponen nervioso las alturas porque siento que me voy a caer.

Me pone nerviosa la noche. Puede salir un monstruo.

Me pone nerviosa su mirada, es muy pesada.

Me pone nerviosa su sonrisa. Es encantadora.

Me ponen nervioso los relámpagos. Les tengo miedo.