
It is said that the world was once green. That water fell from the skies like the easy tears or children. Imagine. The brown earth was covered in a carpet of emerald threads, which drank this water, whispered in the wind and danced happily in the breeze. From it sprouted tall and brightly colored orbs - as high as the sky and as bright as the sun itself. It makes me painful happy to imagine the world like that. Magda says that I need to wake up and live in the real world - the way it is now. Magda has the imagination of a cave rat.

where is the metaphor, simile, personification, oxymoron, and onomatopoeia in this story?​

Answer :


That water fell from the skies like the easy tears or children= Metaphore

as high as the sky and as bright as the sun itself. = Simile

whispered in the wind and danced happily in the breeze.= Personification

It makes me painful happy= oxymoron

I cant find an onimonia pea in this story sorry


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