Answer :
Let K be a field in which (to demonstrate K[n] of all bolynomial coefficients in K below the typical addition and multiplication operations forms a ring]
Since the addition of two polynomials is once more, (i) (To show = (K(n), +) is abelian grouk) is closed under addition (of binary operation).
polynomial a Associativity under addition, assuming that Pa 2, 2 exists in k[u].
K[n] is closed when added, and qinis both (n+bente -+ n, mand p are all different) or nemcp: K + + + (An+ba) +- + = (90+bot (o) +(9, +b, +G) K € - - + p(x+2(m) + 2(x) = ((Qutbe) +(,+bi) K + + + --+ Cpn3 = (bini)+ (qini-eron) K[n] is an addition associativite.
If H 2(4)=0 is additive identity, then clearly pinto-b =10 belynomial is additive identity of KO OR let pin's Po+?не-томни екси.
The inverse element of K[n] is additive inverse- let b(m + 2(120)
To learn more about bolynomial coefficients here